I'm lazy to post or write a long post that is full of writing... So, just let the picture do all the talking... So sorry... Not in the mood to type and blog...
*Present from Xin Yi... I love it!
*My skinny jeans and a top from Kitchen...
*Today Miss Tay baked two cakes for us... Love her! So nice!!!
*Durian cheese cake... Believe me.. It's reli nice...
*Joan is happy to have all the cake... You couldn't imagine wat she said just now... Okay... I won talk much as I said earlier this is just picture post with just a little word...
*I'm happy too...
After tuition, we headed to Ash's house for a small party...
*Everyone is high when they saw the wine... Especially XY and J-nel...
*Mich and I...
*Me 'rampas-ing' the cup of wine from both of them...
*The almost drunk XY and J-nel...
*Ash and J-nel... Proven that J-nel is drunk...
*Pretty Gal-the blogger...
After tuition, we headed to Ash's house for a small party...