It's our 11th Annual GG Farewell again... As I said in the last last post, this year all the form 5 will be enjoying the whole event... Yes! We do have fun!!! Good job all the Juniors!!! Credits to all of u guys!!! Love ya! Thanks alot!!! Muackss... They even did a slideshow bout us the seniors... It so touching as all the memory throughtout the 5 years as a guide... Mae Vin even cry when watching the slideshow... I know what is she thinking... I know she's sad because someone is not there with us... Talking bout the slideshow, I am so suprise they did put the photo where I took with XY and Shu Ee at Station One for drinking... lol...
*Ash, Seow Wei and I on the gadjets by all the juniors! My pose look fugly...
*Mee at the end of the gadjets....
*Seow Wei and I...
*Ash and I...
*The first performance...
*Quater of Ash and Shu Ee...
*three of us...
*Shu Ee and I...
*Susu and I... I'm reli happy for her that she found the right guy that treat her good and love her from his bottom of his heart...
*Cherrie and Susu giving speech...
*Ash and I again...
*Lighting up the fire...
*The booklet... Nice rite? They must be used up lots of time to cut the wing...
*Mae Vin and I...
*As usual, I will take picture of myself to post it up here for my readers...
*the second performance... I din manage to take the picture of the 3rd perfomance... Sorry...
*Refreshment time!!!
*The form 5....
*The life band!!! We had the fun time jumping, dancing, and running around!!!
*The serah kuasa ceremony...
*Mae Vin giving a short speech... Sorry I couldn't take any nice picyure of her talking...
*Ash and I...
*Shu Ee, me and Ash...
*The souvenier.... Nice one...
*Us with our mini hamper...
*The form 5 after all the jumping, dancing, shouting and running...
*Us on the gadjet...
When I reach home, my sister did this to my dog...
*So cute...
When I reach home, my sister did this to my dog...
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