College's life will never be boring with the presence of XY and Janelle and not to forget, Sir Kelvin... Every slot is full of laughter... XY, J-nel and I were going after a packet of cookie everyday... We went to 7-11 everyday just to stalk whether the staff there have stock up the cookie o not? Funny rite? I think we are the only person who will buy the pack of cookie... Guess wat flavour it is?
*It's mint in flavour!!! So cool rite? Damn nice u knw? haha...
Today, I went to Nandos and collect my 1st salary!!!
Waited to this day to come reli long... Even my neck grow longer d...
Seow Wei sms-ed XY while we were still in class... XY and I got reli excited wyeh... I kept laughing and smiling... Even Sir Kelvin odo beh tahan and immitate me... WTF? Miss all the NANDOCAS alot le!!! Except u-know-who.
*Yes! It's a cheque printed my name on it!!! Got reli excited.(: !st time in my life...
*Love it le! Muackss... Gonna bank-in d... Then I got money d!!
Yesterday went to KL-Sungai Wang and Pavillion with Bby, Henry and Sis... I bought ntg... Suprise?! Me too... Wat to do? I'm cash-less le... Bby paid for my food and transport le... We went there by ktm coz scare traffic jam...
We had our lunch at Food republic@Pavillion... Some pictures!
*My sis and I....
*My fringe grow long d... Gonna cut it soon... And grey hair oso re-appear liao... haihz... I will just bleach my hair to blonde then I wouldn't be so fan edi... But have to ask Mr. Resh whether Berjaya Uni College allow o not? haha...
Today, I went to Nandos and collect my 1st salary!!!
Waited to this day to come reli long... Even my neck grow longer d...
Seow Wei sms-ed XY while we were still in class... XY and I got reli excited wyeh... I kept laughing and smiling... Even Sir Kelvin odo beh tahan and immitate me... WTF? Miss all the NANDOCAS alot le!!! Except u-know-who.
Yesterday went to KL-Sungai Wang and Pavillion with Bby, Henry and Sis... I bought ntg... Suprise?! Me too... Wat to do? I'm cash-less le... Bby paid for my food and transport le... We went there by ktm coz scare traffic jam...
We had our lunch at Food republic@Pavillion... Some pictures!
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