August 30, 2009

GG Farewell.

It's our 11th Annual GG Farewell again... As I said in the last last post, this year all the form 5 will be enjoying the whole event... Yes! We do have fun!!! Good job all the Juniors!!! Credits to all of u guys!!! Love ya! Thanks alot!!! Muackss... They even did a slideshow bout us the seniors... It so touching as all the memory throughtout the 5 years as a guide... Mae Vin even cry when watching the slideshow... I know what is she thinking... I know she's sad because someone is not there with us... Talking bout the slideshow, I am so suprise they did put the photo where I took with XY and Shu Ee at Station One for drinking... lol...

*Ash, Seow Wei and I on the gadjets by all the juniors! My pose look fugly...

*Mee at the end of the gadjets....

*Seow Wei and I...

*Ash and I...

*The first performance...

*Quater of Ash and Shu Ee...

*three of us...

*Shu Ee and I...

*Susu and I... I'm reli happy for her that she found the right guy that treat her good and love her from his bottom of his heart...

*Cherrie and Susu giving speech...

*Ash and I again...

*Lighting up the fire...

*The booklet... Nice rite? They must be used up lots of time to cut the wing...

*Mae Vin and I...

*As usual, I will take picture of myself to post it up here for my readers...

*the second performance... I din manage to take the picture of the 3rd perfomance... Sorry...

*Refreshment time!!!

*The form 5....

*The life band!!! We had the fun time jumping, dancing, and running around!!!

*The serah kuasa ceremony...

*Mae Vin giving a short speech... Sorry I couldn't take any nice picyure of her talking...

*Ash and I...

*Shu Ee, me and Ash...

*The souvenier.... Nice one...

*Us with our mini hamper...

*The form 5 after all the jumping, dancing, shouting and running...

*Us on the gadjet...

When I reach home, my sister did this to my dog...

*So cute...

August 28, 2009


I reli enjoy partying!!! I love party! No one can stop me from being so hyper at party!!! Yes! Yesterday was our W50 biggest party ever! We invite alots of friends there to have fun and mingle around...

The party starts at 8 pm... Before that, some of us were busy preparing the stuff like XY and I were busy cooking our pasta, Angeline with the decoration and guys with the LCD and multimedia...

*Rit Tzen and Daniel busying with the multimedia stuff...

*Angeline and XY also busy readying for games...

And XY accidentally hurt her hand... Pity her... Such a big cut on her palm...

*But she still happy and request to take a picture of her plaster...

Before the party starts, the girls are camwhoring non-stop... Guys were just playing Dota at the corner...

*From left, Hui Lian, Amy, Seow Wei, XY, Cherrie and Joey...

*Mich and I...


*All the guest are request to sign on a piece of card... As a rememberance...

Party starts with...

*Daniel giving the welcome speech...

*Everyone is happy! Mich proven it...

Then games time... Angeline as the gamemaster of the night had prepared us a few games...

*Angeline is giving the instruction....

First games was Human Bingo... All of us have to find the ppl with those characteristic to sign on a piece of paper... The fastest to fill all the signature is the winner...

*Ming Wei asking signature from Daniel our boss of the day...

Guess whose the Winner?! Guess la... Give face abit... haha...

*It's me and Mae vin!!!

The next games was Happy Family... One group/family consist of 4 ppl... Father, mother, brother and sister... Everyone in the family have to listen to the instruction of the gamemaster and do it... Like the gamemaster said, 'The whole family stand on the chair.' So, everyone have to follow....

Unfortunately, my family-Amy, Ryan, Kai Jing and I lost in the games and we got punishment...

*Kai Jing is happy to eat the bittergourd and lemon as the punishment while Ryan is not... lol..

*I'm a lover or to say admirer of lemon and bittergourd feels easy when the punishment times... The lemon is sweet though... haha...

The party continues with refreshment.... Girls are queen of the nite... All we have to do is sit there and wait to be serve... Hence, we got more time to camwhore...

*Guys are busy to serve the food to the ladies...

*Busy busy....

While the girls are happy and enjoy the moment waiting to be serve... lol...

*All the girls...



*Benjamin and I...

*Watching the slideshow aka hardwork of Kai Jing... Credit to him...

Then, a suprise to XY as her birthday is on Tuesday th 25th of August so we celebrate for her yesterday.... She was so suprise because we lied to her that we are going to celebrate for Daniel... She must be thinking, 'How bout me? My birthday is last day only and u guys are not celebrate it for me but for Daniel whose birthday is next week...' lol...

*XY is happy to see the cake...

*Make a wish... I don think is a wish though... Because she took bout 5 minutes to make it... Greedy girl...

*Cutting cake...

*Blessing and praying...

*The girls...

*All of us...

*Mae Vin and XY...

*Undergoing the tradition...

Last but not least,

*All the signature of W50 members and our beloved guest...